About the Church

Welcome to the new website for Faith Church of Grove, OK! My hope is that through this web site that God would be glorified. The church is God’s messenger on earth to spread the gospel of Christ. We invite you to come and worship with us each Sunday. For we are a community church where the whole gospel is preached in kindness and love. You matter to God and you matter to us.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”




Sunday, May 22, 2016

Secular and Spiritual

That was the sermon title this morning, Sacred "Spiritual" Verses Secular. It was more of the Heart & Mind.

Verses to read for reference
Matthew 26:26-27
John 12:12-15
Ephesians 4:17-19
Colossians 3:22-24 

Sunday May 29th at 10AM Pastor Muazzam John will be speaking. Afterwards taking questions & talking about the persecuted churches. Pot Luck following the service, Everyone is welcome. 

 June 6th 10AM Women's Bible study at Faith Church Please come and bring a friend.

Big Thank You to all those that are helping this church family grow and to God for all his Blessings!!

 Sunday June 19th 5PM will be the monthly Birthday celebration & fun night everyone is welcome.

Remember Faith Church is a Praying Church, please pray for the persecuted Christians around the world and that their churches will be kept safe from harm.

You can listen to Pastor Kim on Saturday night at 6PM on radio KWXC 88.9 FM 

Church web site

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pastor Muazzam John Comes to Grove

Pastor Muazzam John Comes to Grove

Coming to Grove area churches, Pastor Muazzam John from Pakistan will be speaking in the area over Memorial Day weekend and the first week of June. Pastor John works in one of the worst persecuting countries on earth for Christian believers. Hundreds of followers of Jesus are martyred each year in Pakistan, and this past Easter Sunday, more than seventy were killed in a suicide bomb attack in a children’s park in Lahore.

Pastor Muazzam John leads a ministry called Nehemiah Trust Pakistan. This ministry reaches out well beyond just the congregations they pastor. They help orphans, windows, uneducated people, and the persecuted get back on their feet. NTP helps with educating children, and keeping widows alive with medical and physical needs. Pastor John himself has planted twenty-three churches so far, and his ministry team together look after more than one hundred churches in a country that martyrs Christians frequently.

Muazzam is married to Shumaila John, and together they are raising three Christian children in one of the scariest countries in the world. Last year alone, they planted six churches, taught more than seven hundred new believers, and reached over four thousand people with the Gospel message. Pastor John is coming to Grove to share about the persecuted church in Pakistan and create partnership support for the church in Pakistan. Pastor John is speaking at Cayuga Mission Church on Sunday, May 29th, at 8:30 AM, then at Faith Church of Grove at 10 AM followed by a potluck meal and fellowship time with Pastor John. At 6PM that same Sunday evening, May 29th, Pastor John will be speaking at Trinity Baptist. On Wednesday, June 1st, Pastor John will be speaking at First Baptist Church at 6PM, then Thursday Morning at 7AM at Rivers of Life, followed by a breakfast with anyone interested. Thursday evening he is speaking at a BBQ at Zena Baptist church at 6PM. Muazzam John will spend the day Friday meeting at the Voice of the Martyrs in Bartlesville. After speaking at the Men’s Breakfast Saturday morning at Free-will Baptist Church, Pastor Muazzam is heading down to Little Rock to speak to several churches the following week. Please come out to one or more of these gatherings and bring your questions about the persecuted church and about Islam.
Remember to pray for the Persecuted Christians and their Church! 
Shumaila and Pastor Muazzam John                                                        

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Pride and Pretense

The story this morning was Heart will not let the mind rest!
Very interesting, please read

Read--Matt. 11:28-30

Pride--Proverbs 29:23

About Pretense--I John 2:16-17   I Peter 2:23-24

Jesus can give us a new Heart and Mind
Remember "By his wounds you have been healed"

Tonight at 5PM is our monthly Fun Night & Birthday Celebration
Everyone is welcome for Pizza & Root Beer floats plus fun & games
What a great fellowship we have!!

Remember Faith Church is a praying, please pray for the persecuted Christians and Churches around the world!

Also you can listen to Pastor Kim on Saturday nights at 6pm on radio KWXC 88.9 FM

Monday, May 9, 2016

Fun Night & Monthly Birthday Celebration

We excited to have had our 4th sermon in the Holy Spirit series,
as Paul said to Timothy in Timothy 1:6-8 Fan into flames
the spiritual gift God gave you so you have Power, Love, and Self Discipline.

This coming Sunday May 15th at 5PM is our Monthly fun night & Birthday celebration,
please join us for a fun evening of Pizza, Root beer floats, & Games

Please pray for the Persecuted Church!
Pray for the Christians that are killed and their churches burned every week.
Pray for the Christian Men and Women who are imprisoned
in other countries for their faith in Jesus & their families as well.
Pray that they have the strength to endure during their imprisonment
and pray for their quick release!

Remember Faith Church is a praying church!

Thank You JESUS!