About the Church

Welcome to the new website for Faith Church of Grove, OK! My hope is that through this web site that God would be glorified. The church is God’s messenger on earth to spread the gospel of Christ. We invite you to come and worship with us each Sunday. For we are a community church where the whole gospel is preached in kindness and love. You matter to God and you matter to us.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”




Sunday, January 15, 2017

Announcements - Thank You - Prayer List

Announcements - Thank You - Prayer List

Jan 15th, Sunday 4 pm –( CANCELLED ) Fun Night & Monthly Birthday Celebration . Card Bingo & Potluck, Everyone welcome!

Women’s Bible Study at Faith Church. February 6th at 10 AM Bring a salad for
lunch. All women are invited!

Huge Thank You to…
Sheila Bilyeu for your sweet smile & support of this church and to All those that are helping this church family to grow...& to God for all his Blessings
Prayer/Praises Requests

Faith Church is a Praying Church!! 

Pray for safety of Dulcinea Wenzel’s Orphan mission trip
in March.
Dixie Wright – Health
Larry & Mary Selby– He-colon (is cancer Free) & Her -Breast cancer. Rubin's
George & Oleta McGee – George dialysis – Oleta surgery recovery
All the Christians being persecuted.
Pray for Pastor John in Pakistan 
Sharon & Larry Anderson – Strength for Sharon & Health of Larry. 
Pray for our church members to be able to reach out and touch people with
Gods message and encourage them to come to Faith Church. 
Carol McCaslin– Daughter-in-law of Lela. Lives in Washington-Pray they
have removed all the cancer. 
Pray for our Military
Safe travels for all traveling. 
Ivy Woodard and Reatha Smith– health 
Hannah– Rubin’s 15 year old granddaughter. Depression.
 Pray for Jerusalem
Church Library

 Be sure and stop by the
Church Library on the way out and check out a book to read and pick up “Our Daily Bread” pamphlet on the table at the en-trance. Juanita Woofley has logged each book and has done a fantastic job.
Brethren, I was asked about how to donate money for Bibles to reach the least reached peoples, and I thought I would pass this information to everyone in case others are interested . Here are two ministries that do this for $5.00 per New Testament Bible.

Open Doors USA
PO BOX 27001
Santa Ana CA 92799

PO Box 443
Bartlesville OK 74005-0443

VOM = The Voice Of The Martyrs
A non-profit, interdenominational organization with a vision for aiding Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ.
             NO TIME
There’s a loving letter I mean to send,
There is a visit I mean to pay
There’s a careless habit I hope to mend,
When I get the time someday.
There’s a dusty Bible I mean to read
There’s an hour I’ll keep to pray
I’ll turn each dream to a golden deed.
When I get the time someday.
I’ll carry flowers to the sick and sad
I’ll seek for those who stray
You can trace my steps by hearts made glad,
When I get the time someday.
So somebody, thought, so somebody said,
But wasn’t it just a crime?
Too busy with less important things
They never did get the TIME

  Pray for the continued blessing of Faith Church that we may continue to prosper and grow!!

May you have a God Blessed Day

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