About the Church

Welcome to the new website for Faith Church of Grove, OK! My hope is that through this web site that God would be glorified. The church is God’s messenger on earth to spread the gospel of Christ. We invite you to come and worship with us each Sunday. For we are a community church where the whole gospel is preached in kindness and love. You matter to God and you matter to us.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”




Monday, June 13, 2016

The Jesus Film

This film was released in 1979, for 35 years The Jesus Film has introduced individuals on every continent to Jesus through billions of viewings in more than 1,200 languages. Be sure to watch the extras how the film was made in 1978. The film has been restored and remastered

 Every eight seconds, somewhere in the world, another person indicates a decision to follow Christ after watching the "JESUS" film.

Every eight seconds... that's 10,800 people per day, 324,000 per month and more than 3.8 million per year! That’s like the population of the entire city of Pittsburgh, PA coming to Christ every 28 ¼ days. And yet, if you are like many people, you may have never even heard of it.

 Called by some “one of the best-kept secrets in Christian missions,” a number of mission experts have acclaimed the film as one of the greatest evangelistic tools of all time. Since 1979 more than 200 million men, women and children worldwide have indicated decisions to follow Jesus after viewing the film. In addition, through hundreds of partners an estimated 10+ million decisions have been made as the film "JESUS" is used extensively by the Body of Christ worldwide.

 Jesus constantly surprises and confounds people, from His miraculous birth to His rise from the grave. Follow his life through excerpts from the Book of Luke. All the miracles, the teachings, and the passion.

 This film is a great introduction to Jesus through the Book of Luke.

 Based on the Gospel of Luke, the "JESUS" film has now been dubbed in more than 1,200 languages, with new languages being added every month. This allows God’s Word to speak to people in more than 200 countries in languages they know and understand. By God’s grace, it is yielding a spiritual harvest of unprecedented results.

 Not only is the story of the "JESUS" film one of effective evangelism, but also a powerful tool for expanding the church worldwide. Hundreds of churches, missions groups and denominational agencies, both indigenous and global, are also seeing this tool ignite the launch and growth of thousands of new churches.

 One denominational leader, whose ministry has used the "JESUS" film for more than a decade, has said that its value in accelerating their church-planting efforts is equivalent to "fishing with dynamite!" His ministry alone has birthed more than 26,000 church fellowships using the "JESUS" film in dozens of languages.

 God is using this film in powerful ways to reach people and build His church worldwide. And yet, so much of the world remains in spiritual darkness. Billions of people have never had the opportunity to hear God’s message of salvation and say "yes" to Christ.

 The JESUS Film Project is reaching millions with the gospel of Christ, but with your help, so many more can be reached. By getting involved today, you can make a difference in the lives of people through the message of hope—Jesus, and bring God's light into the darkness.

 In the greater story of the world, God creates everything and loves mankind. But mankind disobeys God. God and mankind are separated. God loves mankind so much, He arranges redemption for mankind. He sends his Son Jesus to be a perfect sacrifice to make amends for us.

 Jesus is the centerpiece in the larger story. Mankind's redemption hinges on the suffering and rejection of the sinless offering of Jesus Christ. In witnessing his Crucifixion and rise from the dead, we see God's authority over death and justification for all sin.

 Those who follow Jesus, confessing Him as Savior and leaving their old lives behind, are saved from God's wrath against their sins. When judged, Jesus's blood will cover them so that they are sinless in the eyes of God. This is demonstrated story after story when Jesus is able to declare "Your sins have been forgiven"

 The Jesus Film is available in more than 1,100 languages    http://jesusfilmmedia.org      share it across the globe. The response of those hearing Jesus in their own language is overwhelming.

 Magdalena, a film made especially for women, beautifully shares God's love and the gospel, engaging women at the heart level with the potential of changing their lives for eternity.

 A story of tenderness, freedom and purpose, it portrays Jesus' compassion for women and historical accounts of His interactions with them, as seen through the eyes of Mary Magdalene.

 Magdalene is inspiring women everywhere to realize and reclaim the purpose they were always intended for--to know Jesus, and with loving hearts and a gentle touch make him known.

 Added to digitally enhanced footage from the original 1979 "JESUS" film, "Magdalena" seamlessly weaves the true stories of four biblical women--Mary Magdalene, the Samaritan woman at the well, the woman who touched Jesus' garment, and the woman caught in adultery--into newly filmed scenes. The film emphasizes Jesus' compassion for women and His ability to restore their dignity and identity through a personal encounter with Him.

 An eight-lesson companion Bible study, "Reflections of Hope" and additional resources to go with the film are available at    www.MagdalenaToday.com/

 These films and many others are available to be downloaded at   http://jesusfilmmedia.org/     https://www.jesusfilm.org/

You can purchase DVDs online, or you can call our store customer service at 1-800-432-1997.
But before you do, remember that you can watch our films online, on the Jesus Film Media app, or download them for free!

I purchased mine from Walmart for $5.00 as at the time I had a very slow internet 

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